Copyright Notice to all Users

All images and materials found on this website are copyrighted to Sunflower Studios. Some of these photographs are also under legal contracts with 3rd parties that have legal rights and authorisation to use those photographs.

Any individual or corporation found to have replicated, reproduced, referenced, circulated, distributed, manipulated or otherwise used any of these images without Sunflower Studios written consent will be in breach of copyright laws and in certain circumstances, where images have been licensed to third-parties, the law of contract. 
Image Referencing

Individuals and corporations are required to have a license or written permission from Sunflower Studios (and possibly other 3rd parties) if they intend to create referenced or derivative work for commercial use. This includes but is not limited to: prints, competitions, 3D models, CDs, DVD’s, Blu-rays, album covers, posters, flyers, websites, and merchandise. 
Individuals do not require a license if they intend to reference images from this website for personal use, such as drawings, illustrations, and 3D artworks that are intended for studies, practice or leisure. However, the individual must give clear credit for any reference used when publishing their work either online or offline, and such publication must clearly state: "Based upon photography by Sunflower Studios” and provide a link back to
Organisations are not permitted to use any of the images on this site for personal use.​​​​​​​
Image Sharing

Individual or organisations may share images and work found on this website under the following conditions:
— The individual or organisation must credit Sunflower Studios and provide a link back to
— The individual or organisation may not use any of Sunflower Studios material for commercial purposes or out of context of the original intention of the work.
— If the individual or organisation remixes, transforms, or builds upon the material, they may not distribute the modified material without Sunflower Studios written consent.
— If the individual or corporation uses any image for news or blog features they may not edit, crop or manipulate the image created by Sunflower Studios in any form except for the creation of thumbnail image previews.
Individuals or organisations may not use the images and other materials from this website in artworks, manipulations, or designs, including but not limited to: illustrations, paintings, composites, manipulations, websites, layouts, tubes, wallpapers, banners, blogs, CDs, DVD’s, Blu-rays, album covers, posters, flyers, icons, merchandise, or for any other purpose whatsoever without the written consent of Sunflower Studios.
Licensing and Syndication

For all licensing and syndication requests please contact us through the contact section of our website.
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